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The 5 Section Taijiquan Program
Wuduan Taijiquan 五段太極拳

Forms and practices from The 5 Section Taijiquan Program have been adopted by taijiquan

schools around the world. This modular program was designed by Sam Masich to meet the

needs of contemporary recreational taijiquan groups and to prepare committed students for

traditional full-curriculum taijiquan training.

The 5 Section Taijiquan Program has been designed to be flexible and fun, following the premise

that students who enjoy the learning process will stay around to take on more difficult challenges. 


The 5 Section Taijiquan Program consists of material organized in three layers: 

          1. Outer Layer (Form)

          2. Inner Layer (Connection)

          3. Deep Layer (Core Principles)

It is advantageous to work concurrently with material from each of the three layers. For example,

core-principles material can be used to illustrate details within the forms. Partner ‘sensing’ practices

can deepen practice of partner forms. Long-term study of The 5 Section Taijiquan Program allows students to understand the curriculum in terms of the outer, inner, and deep layers.

Following is a list of the full curriculum of The 5 Section Taijiquan Program, accompanied by an ‘overview diagram’ that depicts the program’s three-layered structure and sketches out the connection between the various forms and practices. By illustrating the relationships of the component parts, the graphic can be used as an aid in devising optimal paths through the curriculum for individuals and groups in different circumstances.

5 Section Taijiquan Program Overview
The three-layered structure of the 5 Section Taijiquan Program


1. Outer Layer (Form)

The outer layer is comprised of the ‘5 Section’ forms, each derived from the 5 Section Yang-style Solo Bare-hand Form. They are:

2. Inner Layer (Connection)

The middle layer deals with connected interaction and is explored by two partner practices:

5 Section Taijiquan Sensing-hands (Wuduan Taijiquan Jue-shou 五段太極拳覺手). Multi-functional partner work that supports solo and partner bare-hand form studies.

5 Section Taijiquan Sensing-sword (Wuduan Taijiquan Jue-jian 五段太極拳覺劍). Multi-functional partner work that supports solo and partner sword form studies.

3. Deep Layer (Core Principles)

The third layer trains ‘core principles’ underlying every aspect of The 5 Section Taijiquan Program. Core-principles are studied via two practices that combine to form a five-part neigong.

• ‘The 5 Words of Self Composure’ (Wuci Tairan 五詞泰然)

5 Section Taijiquan Core Principles (Wuduan Taijiquan Hexin Dìnglu 五段核心定律)

5 Section Taijiquan 5 Section Brocade (Wuduan Taijiquan Wuduanjin 太極拳五段锦) 

The ‘overview diagram’ below provides an at-a-glance view of the program. The diagram depicts the program’s three-layered structure and sketches out the connection between the various forms and practices. By illustrating the relationships of the component parts, the graphic can be used as an aid in devising optimal paths through the curriculum for individuals and groups in different circumstances. Following is a list of the full curriculum of Wuduan Taijiquan Program.


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