Berlin, Germany
August 22-25
7th Annual Berlin Summer Taiji Weapons Camp
13 Power Sword Integration 十三勢太極劍法
With Sam Masich & Javier Arnanz
The straight-sword (jian) is the most widely practiced of the taijiquan weapons. But what is the real essence of the practice? Taijijian, like taijiquan barehand practice, can be studied according to the 'four-square, four-diagonal, five-phase' concept—known better as the 'thirteen powers.' The practical simplicity of the thirteen-powers concept brings the sword to life, enlivening solo forms and partner practices. During these four days we will review, refine and integrate all the exercises from the thirteen-power sword using solo and partner taiji straight-sword drills.
Please bring:
Mandatory: a wooden and/or metal taiji straight-sword.
Not mandatory but suggested: A protective fencing mask and a protective glove for your sword hand.
Upon completion of the full course students will receive a certificate acknowledging the training.
Times: 10.00-17.30 daily (13.00-15.00 break)
Cost: c450€
***875€ for Berlin Push Hands Camp+Taiji Weapons Intensive together)***
Location: Erich-Muellerstr. 12 Berlin, Lichtenberg (Rummelsburger Bucht)
Contact: Yanira Masich
+49 (0)171 1105866
Bank Transfer Information:
Name: Samuel Masich
Bank: Commerz Bank
Account/Konto: 0447113100
IBAN: DE89 1008 0000 0447 1131 00