Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 2025
(Friday through Monday)
Aylmer, Ontario, Canada
Taijiquan’s Perceptual Movement
for Self-cultivation and Martial arts
with Sam Masich
Taijiquan's thirteen-powers theory is designed for the development of ‘perceptual movement’ (zhijue yundong 知覺運動) and ‘deep sticking’ (shenjin zhannian 深勁粘黏). The proper functioning of the ‘eight-gates energies’ and the ‘five stance-phases’ depends on tactile connection skills and specialized martial-kinetic forces or ‘energies’ (jin 勁).
In this groundbreaking event we will explore the ‘perceptual movement’ theory using MIAM thirteen-powers theory, classical taijiquan form, push-hands, and application work to bring new life into ancient methods.
Times: 10.00-17.30 daily (13.00-15.00 break)
Cost: $375 ($350 if pre-registered by September 15) ($135 per day for partial attendance)
Location: Columbus Club of Aylmer, 58 Beech Street, Aylmer, ON, N5H 1A1
Contact: Chuck Stratton email 519-550-2709 (cell)