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April 25-27, 2025

Brighton, UK 

Squares and Corners

Sizheng (四正) and Siyu (四隅)

+ The Three Dantians (in Steyning)

with Sam Masich

A deep dive into core concepts of taijiquan. 

Using the Masich Internal Arts Method 'Taiji Eight Barehand Energies' work as a basis, we will explore traditional approaches to the ‘four-squares and the four-corners’ theory which is one of the most fundamental concepts in taijiquan. A mix of solo and partner work.

This class will also provide the foundation for an event in October on the subject of 'long energy' (chang jin 長勁).


Plus! A Friday-evening event

The Three Dantians

In the world of taijiquan it is common to hear phrases like 'get centred,' 'find your centre,' or 'move from the centre.'

But what does this actually mean? On this evening, Sam will discuss and give exercises that help students to understand and apply the concept of of the three main 'centres' of dantians to taiji practice and to life in general.

Times: Fri. 6-9 pm. Sat-Sun 10am-17:30pm daily (1-3pm break)

Cost: Fri. only £50. Full class £220. Only Sat-Sun. £200

(By-the-day £100 per day) To reserve your place, please send a non-refundable deposit of £100 by April 1)

Location: Fri eve Beeding & Bramber Village Hall, 6 - 9 

                 Sat-Sun Middle Street Primary, Middle Street, Brighton

Contact: Simon Robins 07825410967 



You can prepare for this class by studying chapter 3

of Foundations of Traditional Taijiquan.


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