8. Bygone practices
As taijiquan evolves, new methods develop. Sometimes in the course of this development practices that are still of value become replaced or are discarded. The Masich Internal Arts Method Traditional Yang-style Taijiquan Full Curriculum includes several important, but nearly forgotten practices, including:
Yang-style Taijiquan ‘eight-section brocade’
Pre and post-heaven heng-ha qi circulation breathing method
37 essential ‘single form’ training methods
Eight disc-framed fixed-step push-hands
‘Four-corners’ large-rollback’ variations and extensions
Taiji 'linking-fists'
88 movement taiji ‘sparring’ form
Yang Chengfu’s 37 Essential Forms
32 movement solo taiji sabre form
Taiji sabre applications form
Taiji spear
Taiji halberd
Thirteen-power method of bare-hand, sabre, straight-sword and spear