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Berlin, Germany

August 19-22

8th Annual Berlin Push Hands Camp. The 25 Energies of Taijiquan #1


Taijiquan can be expressed through various physical forms and practices, but fundamentally it is an art of ‘energies’ (jin). An important aspect of traditional Yang-style Taijiquan is the study of twenty-five energies identified in early taijiquan literature. The twenty-five energies—'sticking', 'listening', 'understanding', 'receiving', 'neutralizing', 'enticing', 'seizing', 'issuing', 'borrowing' 'opening', 'closing', 'rising', 'sinking', 'peng', 'lu', 'ji' 'an', 'cai', 'lie', 'zhou', 'kao', 'long', 'intercepting', 'drilling' and 'lofty-soaring—can be employed practically in partner connection, body movement and martial strategy studies.

In the last seven years, the Berlin Push Hands Camp has focused on the push-hands curriculum of Yang-style Taijiquan. Over the next few years we will work methodically through the 'Twenty-five Intrinsic Energies' using 'sensing-hands' (jue-shou), 'four-hands' (sizheng tuishou) and 'large-rolling' (dalu) exercises.

Times:    10.00-17.30 daily (13.00-15.00 break)
Cost:       cost: 450€ (425€ if preregistered by July 15. Bei Voranmeldung bis 15. Juli)
              ***875€ for Berlin Push Hands Camp+Taiji Weapons Intensive together (825€ if preregistered

                   by July 15. Bei Voranmeldung bis 15. Juli)***

Location: Erich-Muellerstr. 12 Berlin, Lichtenberg (Rummelsburger Bucht)
Contact:   Yanira Masich

              +49 (0)171 1105866


Bank Transfer Information: 
Name: Samuel Masich
Bank: Commerz Bank
Account/Konto: 0447113100
IBAN: DE89 1008 0000 0447 1131 00

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