Brighton, UK
June 7-9
Traditional Yang-style Taijiquan Push Hands Curriculum #1 楊式太極推手
Eight disc-framed fixed-step push-hands (The ‘1-8')
In this two part workshop we will learn the entire 'Eight Disc-framed Fixed-step Push-hands' (Ba Pan Jia Zi Dingbu Tuishou 八盤架子定步推手) also known as the '1-to-8'.
These eight 'flat-disc' methods are the foundation exercises with in the Traditional Yang-style Taijiquan Push Hands Curriculum 楊式太極推手 which make possible a clear, principled approach to more advanced traditional drills.
Traditional Yang-style Taijiquan Push Hands Curriculum #1 楊式太極推手: Part Two February 2020
Upon completion of the full Traditional Yang-style Taijiquan Push Hands Curriculum students will receive a certificate acknowledging the training.
Times: Fri. 6-9pm. Sat/Sun 10:00am-5:30pm
Cost: Full weekend £185. Sat/Sun only £155. Fri. only £40
If paid before Jan. 30: Full weekend £175. Sat/Sun only £145. Fri. only £35.
Location: Middle Street Primary, Middle Street, Brighton (The entrance gate is the tall green one opposite Oasis on Middle Street.)
Contact: Simon Robins
07825 410967 / 01903 369501