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Brighton, UK

November 13-15

Taijiquan Neigong and the Taijiquan Classics 

with Sam Masich

In this this groundbreaking seminar, Master Sam Masich will teach neigong (内功) internal-arts training concepts from the perspective of the oldest Taijiquan literature. Drawing on the Yang-style Taijiquan Baduanjin (楊式太極拳八段錦), the Taijiquan Classics (太極拳經), and other material, we will explore solo internal-training concepts that will ensure progress in our practice.


Due to COVID-19 concerns, this workshop will respect ‘social distancing’ and mask wearing if necessary and some course content may be modified. The practices may be undertaken as solo exercises or with an implement depending on current legal safety guidelines.

Times:     Fri. 6-9pm. Sat/Sun 10:00am-5:30pm
Cost:       Full weekend £185. Sat/Sun only £155. Fri. only £40

              If paid before Jan. 30: Full weekend £175. Sat/Sun only £145. Fri. only £35.
Location: Middle Street Primary, Middle Street, Brighton (The entrance gate is the tall green

              one opposite Oasis on Middle Street.)
Contact:   Simon Robins 

               07825 410967 / 01903 369501


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